Optonline webmail was created to help people work online and carry out other activities such as shopping, paying bills, etc. simultaneously.
The Optonline webmail is easy to operate and flexible allowing your do a lot of things at the same time. It’s fast, reliable and secures your money / help make investments and transactions online.
This web mail functions perfectly well on smartphones and PC, works with ease though you might need to read through a guide in how the Optonline web mail works. This article has got you covered on that. It’ll be a guide to help you know more on Optonline so read on and discover more.
To log into Optonline webmail, follow the steps below.
1. Head to your browser.
2. Type in Optonline web mail domain into the search box and search for it.
3. Enter your Email Address and Password.
4. Once that’s done, you’ve gotten access into the system.
5. Type in your Optimum ID to get access to the domain properly.
6. You’ll see details of packages on offer.
7. Type in your phone number, account number am Optonline webmail details.
You’ll have to keep an eye on all the spellings and all to avoid misspelling, misplaced character (alphabet) etc. in other to aid in a smother transaction.
The Log in process and Here’s how to log in using your Smartphone.
1. Login to you Gmail Account.
2. Enter your password.
3. Click on the Remember me” button which will allow you get your password back. home page has a mobile version unlike the PC
Once you’ve logged in, transactions and other activities like payment of bills can be done.
That will be all on the Optonline web mail. Follow the steps aforementioned and enjoy this webmail