International women’s Day (IWD) and How Women Should be Celebrated this Year – #ChooseToChallenge #IWD.

Happy International Women’s Day from Techsog- Women deserve to be celebrated every day as they are specially created by God.

For more than a century, 8 March has been set outside to celebrate women all over the world. We not only celebrate them but also advocate for women’s rights and equality in society everywhere.

Just with -, some countries with women leading them have received global accolades for their excellent performance in handling the COVID-19 pandemic (some of the countries are New Zealand, Germany, and Bangladesh).

At the same time, Kamala Harris broke an amazing record by becoming the first vice president of a country ruling the world, the United States of America. Scotland also became the first nation to permit Free and universal access to menstrual products.

In just a few paragraphs, we state those examples to show the impact involving women in society has had. However, women still have very much to do in society. Recently, the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report stated that based on the present rate of change, gender parity will not be reached for the next 99.5 years.

Everyone has to get involved in his or her own way to help women fully realize their place in society.

That is why Techsog is bringing this blog post to you. It will share some Amazing ways that you, your team, or the community can support advocacy for gender equality.

How To Celebrate International Women’s Day  (IWD)

Having all the COVID-19 safety rules in mind, we here at Techsog have coming up with some excellent ways you can celebrate International Women’s Day : Let go ahead and see them:

  1. Join the #ChooseToChallenge and Display Your Support on Social Media: The #ChooseToChalleng is the Theme for this year’s () International Women’s Day

    This is to challenge the present situation, which is raising awareness to fight for women’s equality in society and celebrating their Achievements. It is one of the simplest ways to celebrate International Women’s Day.

    Just make sure you join the #ChooseToChallenge simply by Taking a picture of yourself with your right hand raise high, then share on any social media platform of your choice using the #ChossToChalleng and #IWD
  2. Make men and people who identify beyond the gender binary take part in the celebration: This is simple. Knowing that International Women’s Day is basically for women, while making plans for the celebration, let’s ensure that we invite male friends and colleagues to participate in advocacy for gender equality.
  3. Advocate for Gender Equality in your Office or work environment: Because of the present pandemic situation, women are really facing difficulties and being laid off from their work as a result of the high responsibility of household management.

    So, to ensure that women are treated fairly and equally in your work environment, this International Women’s Day should address workplace policies that support gender equality.
  4. Support Women-Owned Businesses: On International Women’s Day, you can celebrate by deliberately taking time to support Women-owned businesses.

    Do this and encourage others to do the same. If you look closely, women have contributed so much to the world economy, so let’s celebrate them by giving them back.
  5. Donating to a Charity Organisation is a wonderful way to celebrate International Women’s Day. You can make a difference this March by donating to charity homes supporting women, whether locally or internationally. By doing this, you will be very fulfilled.
  6. Acknowledge and Celebrate the Wonderful women in your life: You can’t tell what a simple word of love and encouragement can do to one. These simple words to your mother, sister, wife, friend, female colleague, or girlfriend could keep them inspired for a very long time.

    So please make time to send them an SMS, call them, and let them know how important they are to your life.

Women are one group of creatures the earth can never survive without—so they are worth celebrating always. We at Techsog strongly stand for gender equality.

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