Gmail Business Email – There are so many Google products online and so many platforms powered by Google. You can say Google is gradually taking over the internet but mostly for the good of internet users. The Gmail platform is one of Google’s platforms that keep overwhelming users with its wide range of services, features and benefits.
Gmail business email is specifically for business owners, company workers and its main purpose is for professional use and promoting businesses. Most individuals enjoy working with their personal accounts because of the great features that are part of Gmail platform, from the filter, compose button, mute conversations feature to the add account feature and many more.

This makes users patronize Gmail for their email services; this is probably why they would also consider it good for business purpose. Some individual’s personal accounts also serve as their business account, but most individuals prefer a separate Gmail account specifically for business. So instead of having an account with your name attached to it, you will have an address with your company’s name, attached to it.
Feature OF Gmail Business Email
The Gmail business s email is similar to your Gmail personal account however it is not free and it is created through G-suite business connectivity and office software package. But the good thing is that you get more storage, custom domain names for your email addresses and you don’t get to see ads while using your Gmail.
With Gmail business email you can create customized email for yourself at your company domain or your personal business domain; you can have a professional email so that your business clients can take you serious. Your business email is like your personalized email for work, with a business email customers are likely to believe that you are legitimate and trustworthy business man. Since personal emails are easy to create, clients are likely to take such emails as a joke, but with your domain name attached to it you are viewed as a professional.
Benefits Of Gmail Business Email
What more? It’s not just any ordinary email but you have storage of 30 GB to store as many company data and files as you want. It can serve as your back up link to your business information and company’s data and files. You can also hold business conferences through its video call feature and link up with members of your team or clients.
It has automatic back up for your files and high level of security. With Gmail business email you don’t have to be scared about losing important business data and with the spam protection you can easily detect harmful incoming mails. With G-suite 14 days trial, you can get to explore its services and enjoy the benefits that come with Gmail business email.
But you have to remember it is only free for the 14 days, you have to pay subsequently to enjoy more of its benefits. Start promoting your business and have a professional outlook with your mail by creating a Gmail business account.
How To Set Up Gmail Business Email
You need to follow some certain steps to set up your Gmail business email and we can help you with just that.
- Sign up for G-suite, you have to provide a domain name while signing up or purchase a domain name from Google.
- Visit and press BEGIN FREE TRIAL button
- Enter the domain name you would like to attach to your address
- Then press the SUBMIT button, you will be required to choose another domain name if your domain name has been used by another company
- Then select information for an administrative account
- Select a password, username and demographic account for your company. The username selected will be automatically identified as the administrator account.
- Read the terms of services, you can get hard copy of terms of services by clicking PRINT TERMS AND CIONDITIONS link under each box
- Then press the I ACCEPT CREATE MY ACCOUNT button
- Then enter your billing information after the 30 days free trial.
- Then you can add up to 10 Gmail business accounts if you wish. But remember you get to pay for each account after the free trial service is over.
Now you can have that professional looking mail and convince customers that you are a legitimate business owner and a professional as well.