Facebook Is Creating an Instagram for Underage Kids – Facebook is currently exploring a version for Instagram meant for kids under the age of 13. The social media platform does not have a “detailed plan yet” it comprehends demands put forth by kids, under the age of 13, who want to try the social media platform
Instagram policies currently restrict children under the age of 13 from joining the social media platform. Buzz feed News first broadcast about Facebook working on a version of Instagram for kids, when it came across a post from Instagram’s Vice President of product, Vishal shah, on an internal employee message board saying the company has “identified youth work as a priority for Instagram and have added it to our H1 priority list.

The head of the social media platform Adam Mosseri also affirmed this latest development, stating that many kids want to try out Instagram. The “part of the solution” is to develop a version of Instagram for kids and ensuring parents with control and transparency over the account.
The social media platform and been putting in the effort to make the platform more secure for the younger generation. The company is also adding new features that will prevent adults from sliding into teenagers’ DMs as part of this security policy, Instagram will not permit adults to message teens that don’t follow them. It will also not suggest teen’s accounts in the suggested list and it will hide contact made by teens from appearing in reels and explore pages.