Dating Facebook – The new dating feature developed by Facebook has definitely changed a whole lot of people’s dating experience, though this dating feature is just available to users in 14 countries.
This dating feature is part of the Facebook app, and not a separate app, this feature allows users to create separate dating profiles and find their matches with ease.
Users can easily indicate interest in other profiles and they will be connected, people are matched based on what they have in common. Users can also filter specific results to find people they like by using things like location, religion, number of children, age, height and even users within a close rage.

Facebook dating feature was designed to create a dating privacy for its users to reduce the awkwardness of family members or friends finding out about Users’ dating profiles.
This dating feature is geared at helping singles on Facebook find a meaningful relationship, and it has quite amazing features that make dating on Facebook an interesting one.
Facebook Dating Secret Crush Feature
This dating feature is absolutely awesome for those who are already enjoying its services. One feature of Facebook dating has that people can’t seem to stop talking about is the Secret Crush feature.
This feature allows you choose a certain number of friends you like or have a crush on, and simply add them to the list of people you have crush on. And they will be notified by Facebook about this development. You also get notified when you get secret crushes from your friends and you can connect with them on messenger.
This might likely lead to you revealing your feelings to each other and even starting a relationship as well. The secret crush feature is just a new way of flirting with your Facebook friends which allows you to express yourself without feeling awkward.
You just have to select 9 friends you like and add them as your secret crush, they don’t get to see this unless they like you too and then there’s a match. So, Facebook dating feature goes beyond meeting new people or friends of friends. With this Secret crush feature, you can also connect with your own friends you like.
Facebook dating feature is available in countries like Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Thailand, Canada, Argentina, and Mexico, and will be made available in U.S by the end of the year according Facebook. The awesome thing is that you can date on Facebook by having secret profile which cannot be discovered by family or friends unless you let them.
Facebook Dating Discover Feature
Facebook dating keeps getting better, with the amazing features it has, every user will definitely get the chance to find a meaningful relationship online. Now, Facebook also intends to match people by finding people attending the same events.
Once individuals opt-in to the Discover feature they can find other users attending the same events with them and connect with them if they interested. Discover feature makes it possible for you to get a list of people in your local community that are attending a specific event.
Once you register on the discover page, you can check out individuals attending an event, which are often people living in your town or work colleagues, you can discover the events they are attending and meet up with them.
How Does Facebook Dating Work
Facebook dating feature has changed the dating experience users have on the platform and we will tell you all about how Facebook dating works.
- You need to activate your Facebook dating feature to access Facebook dating and only people who have theirs turned on can see you, you don’t have to worry about it being shared on news feed because it won’t. The Privacy of its users is the major aim of Facebook for creating the dating feature, you can create dating profiles on the platform and family & friends cannot see it, however, you can choose which of your friends you want to see your dating profile.
- You can check out potential matches on Facebook based on the info Facebook knows about you and you can even unlock events and groups you belong to. Facebook limits the number of people you express interest in, so you have to choose wisely when making your choice of interest, Facebook also limits you to avoid spammy behaviors. Once two people express interest in each other. They can easily send private messages to each other on messenger or Whatsapp.
- The Facebook dating feature is meant to create meaningful relationships, so the steps and limits involved in it are mostly geared towards that purpose. Once this feature is out, your dating experience on Facebook will be on a totally new level, it is not a flashy app but a simple feature on Facebook that gives you dating opportunities, an opportunity to start a meaningful relationship.
- To use this feature you just have to click on the Heart Icon from your dating profile. From this heart icon, you can access what Facebook calls Dating home and you can set up your dating profiles. Your friends and family members will not be able to see your dating profile. It is a separate profile from your normal Facebook profile.
- You can also browse nearby events and dating groups to discover new people to connect with.
- Your profile is then shared with people attending the same events and you can meet up with them at the event.
Once there’s a match between you and other users, you can then start private conversations either on messenger or Whatsapp.
The Facebook dating feature is definitely taking online-dating to a whole new level, with the feature you can create separate dating profiles and express your feelings to other users. It has the secret crush feature for indicating your interest in your friends and it has the discover feature that enables you find potential matches.
Once you opt-in, you can find people to date and possibly start a new relationship with.
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