
Does Uber Insurance Cover Passengers?

Does Uber Insurance Cover Passengers? Read on to find out.


When it comes to the question of Does Uber Insurance Cover Passengers? the answer is a resounding yes. Uber ensures that not only their drivers but also passengers and third parties are protected by insurance coverage. This coverage extends to different scenarios, such as when a driver is waiting for a fare, en route to pick up a passenger, or actively transporting someone who’s paying for the ride.

It’s important to note that Uber goes the extra mile when it comes to insuring passengers and third parties. They provide more extensive insurance coverage for these individuals compared to their own drivers.

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Does Uber Insurance Cover Passengers?

When it comes to waiting for a fare, Uber covers any harm inflicted on third parties. However, drivers themselves are not covered by the company’s insurance while using the app and awaiting a ride. The scenario changes when a driver accepts a ride request, triggering higher coverage that protects both drivers and third parties. Uber steps up to provide third-party, collision, and comprehensive coverage once a driver picks up a paying passenger.

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What Should You Know About Uber Insurance Policy?

Whether you’re an Uber driver or passenger, understanding your risk on the road is crucial. Uber’s default policy may not fully shield drivers from liability, and the driver’s insurance coverage can affect a passenger’s ability to seek compensation for injuries. To shed light on Uber’s auto insurance strategy and ensure protection for everyone involved, here’s a quick rundown of the policy.

After an accident, Uber won’t cover rental car costs for drivers.

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Uber Insurance Policy

Previously, insurers classified Uber drivers similarly to taxi drivers, necessitating additional coverage and a commercial insurance policy. However, this approach didn’t align with the majority of Uber drivers who use the service as a part-time endeavor, not a full-time profession.

Here’s a breakdown of the policy structure for your convenience:

Driver Activity: Automatic Uber Coverage

  • When the Uber driver is offline: Personal insurance coverage is in effect.
  • When the Uber driver is logged into the app and available to accept rides:
  • Statutory Accident Benefits
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  • Third-Party Liability Coverage with limits of $1 million
  •  Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R) with a limit of $1 million
  •  Collision and Comprehensive Coverages with a $1,000 deductible

When The Uber Driver Accepts Ride Requests And Is On The Way To Pick Up A Passenger:

  •   Statutory Accident Benefits
  •   Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  •   Third-Party Liability Coverage with a limit of $2 million
  •   Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R) with a limit of $2 million
  •   Collision and Comprehensive Coverages with a $1,000 deductible

When The Uber Driver Is Transporting Passengers To Their Destination:

  •   Statutory Accident Benefits
  •   Uninsured Motorist Coverage
  •   Third-Party Liability Coverage with a limit of $2 million
  •   Family Protection Coverage (OPCF 44R) with a limit of $2 million
  •   Collision and Comprehensive Coverages with a $1,000 deductible

What Does Uber Require From Its Drivers?

Uber mandates drivers to have the minimum required insurance coverage in their respective states. If a third party is harmed, they have the right to seek compensation through the driver’s insurance coverage.

Since Uber provides less comprehensive coverage for drivers compared to passengers and third parties, rideshare drivers must have sufficient personal car insurance. The comprehensive and collision insurance offered by Uber and similar services are only valid if the driver has corresponding personal coverage.

Uber will not reimburse drivers without personal collision and comprehensive insurance policies for car repair or replacement expenses following an accident. It’s crucial for rideshare drivers to obtain specific personal insurance policies, as many insurance companies explicitly exclude coverage for ridesharing.

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How Does Uber Insurance Work?

While you’re logged into the Uber app, you are automatically covered. However, it’s important to note that Uber’s insurance is not intended to replace your regular car insurance as an Uber driver. The automatic coverage primarily addresses liability claims not covered by the driver’s insurance. Certain sections of the Uber policy may not apply if you lack personal auto insurance.

Although Uber’s standard plan includes Collision and Comprehensive Coverage, it is only valid if you have the same coverage on your personal auto insurance policy. Unfortunately, if your car sustains damage during an Uber trip and you lack personal auto insurance, you won’t be covered.

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Uninsured Motorists And Accidents With Uber

Once a ride is accepted, Uber drivers are covered by uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, with a maximum of $1 million per accident. If the maximum amount of $200 million is reached, it would be divided among all affected passengers. Commercial auto insurance becomes important if an Uber driver’s insurance policy excludes compensation for physical injury or property damage, and Uber’s automatic policy falls short. Many insurance providers now offer “personal coverage for ridesharing drivers,” specifically tailored for Uber drivers.

Both Uber drivers and passengers should explore the various types of commercial auto insurance available to ensure comprehensive protection in the event of an accident.

Uber’s passenger insurance coverage varies significantly from country to country, creating challenges for international travelers. For example, in the United States, passengers are eligible for claims up to $1,000,000.


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